Happy Monday, everyone! Spring is officially upon us, and I hope you had some beautiful weather over the weekend, wherever you are. If not, hopefully Lay Low kept your spirits high.
This week at The Countdown, we’re finishing up with the last two tracks from 2005’s Z, Knot Comes Loose Day (today) and Dondante Day (tomorrow). Then we’ll be moving on to 2008’s Evil Urges, My Morning Jacket’s fifth and most recent studio album. I can hardly believe that we’re already into the fifth segment of our countdown (almost two months in!).
Nuanced and lyrical (well, more “wordy” than previous albums), Evil Urges faced mixed reviews from both fans and critics. Many believed that My Morning Jacket had changed “their sound” or genre by adding funk and R&B influences. However, who wants to keep making the same album over and over again? Bands are supposed to experiment and progress to new, creative levels. It shouldn’t be a shock when a band makes music that is new and different (that’s what they’re supposed to do). What do you guys think?
To start off your wonderful week, let’s check out Evil Urges’ opening (and title) track “Evil Urges.”
The things they say are evil urges, baby
They be part of the human way
It ain’t evil if it ain’t hurin’ anybody
Exploring the topics of religion and self-regulation, “Evil Urges” can make one question his or her own views about what morality actually is. Musically, what stands out most in this track is Patrick’s ever-impressive rhythm (especially with the bass kicks) at the track’s start. From then, we are led into this new world that MMJ has created: Evil Urges. Jim’s falsetto, major tonality, and beautiful arrangement of orchestral strings make this track refreshing and fantastic to someone who thinks he has generalized MMJ’s “sound.”
I’m not saying, I’m not saying that I want it someday.
I’m not saying, I’m not saying that I want is somehow.
Oh, I’m ready for it now!
(Isn’t Patrick’s hair stunning?)
I hope you all have a great week! Don’t be too hard on yourself.
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