FINALLY SOME MY MORNING JACKET! Since Jim's injury MMJ has not been very prominent on this blog, probably because they have not been prominent in my life. I think my perfect week (Jim James solo --> MMJ night 1 --> MMJ night 2) being destroyed at the last minute really caused me to take a step back; I was so down about it I had to remove myself from the situation. Of course I knew that it was pure accident and I wanted nothing more than for Jim to be okay. BUT ANYWAYS, this is sweet. There is something about the way they sound in their early years that just makes me grin and I find it cool to be able to listen to these songs now and see how much this band has evolved.
God dammit they are good.
Download - My Morning Jacket - De Nachten Festival - De Singel - 2000-01-29
Thanks for the download.
It's very disconcerting hearing One Big Holiday off key a bit.
I know you are a big Pink Floyd Fan, and this reminds me of the concert on John Peel's show (I had on recorded on 8 Track a billion years ago) where they were about to move to the next step.
I have made the comparison of MMJ to Pink Floyd albums, where Pre-Atom Heart is similiar to the demos and earlier recordings. Each album for both built upon the previous and found that both took a slight step back in the 5th major album. I project MMJ's next album will be their opus.
TTF=Atom Heart Mother
ISM=Dark Side of the Moon
Z=Wish You Were Here
???=The Wall
Hey John,
I have definitely made the same comparisons. It really hit me though when I listened to Evil Urges for the first time; all the layers and role Bo plays in the band, very Rick Wright-Esq. Those Peel Sessions are expired, if you have them I would love to hear them. Thanks!
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